"I have always wanted to visit Japan, and for a while this seemed like nothing more than a dream. When I finally landed in the country I felt, for the first time, what it is like to live in a dream." ~Wynter
Day Seven - Sanjusangendo
The temple with 1000 statues! We weren't allowed to take any pictures inside the building (although I did sneak one while in the hall) so most of the pictures in this section are of the grounds.

Sannen Zaka/Kiyomizu Temple
Kiyomizu Temple is located up on a hill, and the road leading to the temple is lined with 1000 shops! It was very busy the day I was here, but it was a grand place to visit. I even managed to spot a few Geisha, and had, for the first time ever, Okonomiyaki! It was UBER DELICIOUS!



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