"I have always wanted to visit Japan, and for a while this seemed like nothing more than a dream. When I finally landed in the country I felt, for the first time, what it is like to live in a dream." ~Wynter
Day Four - Akihabara
On my final day in Tokyo I decided to hit the major locations often seen in the dramas (I'm such a nerd). My first stop was in Akihabara. This will perhaps be the most memorable location for me because it was so much like the way it is portrayed in the dramas! I swear there was an Otaku at every corner.

Shinjuku was such an expensive area! I went into a Gucci store for fun and ran back out in fear. They had shoes in there well over $10 000 dollars! My goodness. After eating some delicious Ramen, I sat down at a major walkway intersection and just watched the people pass by. Everyone was busy. Everyone was in a hurry. And everyone was dressed amazingly well. The Japanese sure have a strong sense of style - especially the women!


As mentioned previously, I visited Harajuku again because... well, it's Harajuku! I was able to get a few more pictures in while shopping.

Our last dinner in Tokyo was a royal feast. I ate what is known as the "sumo's meal". It was quite delicious! For desert I ate the Wonka bar I got from Kiddy Land. ^_^

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