"I have always wanted to visit Japan, and for a while this seemed like nothing more than a dream. When I finally landed in the country I felt, for the first time, what it is like to live in a dream." ~Wynter
Day Three - Tokyo!
The day started off with a nice drive around Tokyo. It was hard taking pictures from a bus, but I tried! The fourth picture is of a police station. I took this pic because the police station is just like the ones we see in the the dramas. hehe

Imperial Palace
Foreigners/visitors are not allowed into the Palace grounds, but during our drive I managed to catch a glimpse of the Imperial Palace. You can see it there in the distance surrounded by great big trees.

Meiji Shinto Shrine
The Meiji Shinto Shrine was the first of its kind that I visited, and I have to say that it remains my favourite. The shrine is quiet and surrounded by tall trees. It was quite peaceful to walk around its grounds. I purchased some omamori from here. I wish I could have spent more time at this shrine. At was at this shrine that I learned about the Tori Gate, and how it is meant for the gods. We, as humans, must not walk through the middle, but to the side of it to avoid blocking the gods.

Harajuku/Shopping District
The highlight of the day was visiting the Harajuku District. I didn't take many pictures here (I was too busy shopping) but I visited this location the next day and took more pictures, as you'll see later.

Tokyo Tower
Initially I was a little disappointed with the Tower. I guess it is because I wanted to see it so badly that when I finally did... it just didn't live up. The main factor is that I've seen the CN Tower and Eiffel Tower on various occasions so I found the Tokyo Tower a little anti-climatic. ^_^;;

Sumida River to Asakusa
On our way to Asakusa Kannon Temple I took a boat cruise on the Sumida River. The ride took about 45 minutes and it was a great way to see the city. I even managed to take a few pics of the famous "golden poop" (inside JD.com joke :P). Please forgive me for all the pictures of bridges. I like architecture... so I didn't hold back. ^_^

Asakusa Kannon Temple
This was such a fun temple to visit! Not only was it absolutely beautiful, but it was very busy! There were so many people visiting - old and young. The kids in school uniforms moved around in packs while the older folk lounged around under the shade of trees. There were quite a few ladies in Kimono, which was grand to see. Highlights for me during this visit was lunch: I FOUND OMURICE! I swear I've never had anything as delicious! The whole eating experience was a delight. After lunch I ventured into the shopping area, which is adjacent to the temple, and spent the entire afternoon there.

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