"China encompasses a vision of its Past, its Present, and its Future. Walking the streets is like walking Time. I wish to be stuck forever." ~Wynter
Day Three - Early Morning Traffic
Aside from all the smog, the traffic was CRAZY! Mind you, so where the drivers. >_>;; In picture three, that white/red board holds the offical counterdown to the Olympics.

Summer Palace
The Summer Palace ended up being one of my favourite places that we visited! Not only is it completely gorgeous, but the story of the Dragon Lady really made the place more "real" for me.

Pearl Factory and Lunch
Did you know that one oyster can hold more than 16 pearls?!
Forbidden City
The Forbidden City was much larger than I had thought, and very open in terms of space. Although I felt guilty entering, I'm glad I did.

Tiananmen Square
I was a little disappointed with Tiananmen Square, but I have to admit, the square was gigantic. I was really lucky to get that last pic of the guard. They were scattered all over the three cities we ended up visiting and got spitting mad if anyone attempted to get their pictures.

Dinner and a Show. A Kung Fu Show, that is. :D
Although they didn't allow photography while the show was on, I managed to take a picture of the two people who performed my favourite "wet dream" section of the narration. >>applauds<<

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